A vise has two parallel jaws that come together to clamp an object in place. There is a stationary jaw, which does not move and helps provide stability. There is a dynamic jaw which is moved away from or towards the stationary jaw along the length of a lead screw. The lead screw is turned […]Read More
A vise (sometimes spelled vice) is used to hold objects in place so that they may be worked on. It’s pretty straight forward, you don’t want a work piece wiggling around while you are trying to cut it, glue it, sand it, file it, drill it, or otherwise modify it. You also don’t want to […]Read More
While screws and presses – the fundamental building blocks of a vise – have existed for thousands of years, the vise -sometimes spelled vice – as we think of it today did not come about until the middle ages. Before more modern designs were put into place, craftsman had to use a cumbersome system of […]Read More
A vise [vice] is a mechanical tool that is used to hold an object firmly in place so that work may be done on the object. A vise may come in a number of varieties, usually specialized for some purpose such as wood working, machining, blacksmithing, and general shop work. Almost every commercial workshop will […]Read More
A vise is not a complicated tool. You can get by without knowing all the various dimensions and measurements that manufacturers provide when selling a vise. Bolt a vise to a table, put something between the vise jaws, and turn the handle attached to the lead screw. VIOLA, your vise is working as intended. But […]Read More